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Give Option to Have Old Greenhouse Wall Variant



A lot of the people (if not most of them) in Ark Evolved used greenhouse walls to make large glass windows in their builds. As we all know, the greenhouse walls in Ark Ascended have been changed graphically to look like something akin to venetian blinds or some sort of reticulated glass. Most people that I have spoken to in the game abhor the new greenhouse glass walls and would like the old graphic back. So many wonderful, beautiful builds have been completely aesthetically ruined by the change.

Honestly, I used Google search for "greenhouse glass" and didn't see one picture even remotely similar to how it looks in the game now. I browsed through about four pages of images before I gave up and came to the conclusion that my opinion is correct....the new greenhouse glass walls suck.

Please Wildcard, at least give us the the option to choose either the old look or the new look. If you agree with this message, please reply with your support and maybe we can get Wildcard to change it. Thank you.

ps - also, why is there big, thick metal bar in the middle of the greenhouse window? You can't even look out of it. These changes baffle me.

Edited by mudplayerx
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