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Open Tribe  ·  30 members  ·  Rules


About This Tribe

trying to start small tribes tribe people upwards of lvl 90 would e nice but if not its alright


Play Station
  1. What's new in this tribe
  2. Hey everyone Taka Tribe is recruiting for PSN Official. If you are looking for a tribe, active often, a mature player over 16, and are serious about making it to the top as alpha and will put in the work, we will be recruiting add me on PSN: atotheizzzo_
  3. SOEDrops


    So what server we on?
  4. Can play on weekdays for about 2hrs, weekends sometimes all day, depends. Well rounded, i can play whatever role. Honestly getting ready for new Ark so I can join a solid tribe.
  5. the_SugarPapi Can get Gen DLCs, dont have at the time Been playing solid 5 years 30 years old
  6. PSN name Darius_Dmoney 2.DLCs all 3. Age 28 4. time spent playing 2 hours + a day
  7. I’m 16 live in Canada I own extinction and the genesis maps my character lvl is 65 or 70 I spend three hours playing or more when it comes to gaming
  8. What’s up y’all, I’m 19, from Canada, I am seriously in the mood to get back into ark, with ark 2 on the horizon I’m just feeling it again, I got a good mic setup, I’m mature and quiet, but as I get to know you all I’ll start to open up more, I got all the DLC, and I’ve spent 400 hours in game
  9. Hey all, we’re looking for a select few to join our tribes that are now on official servers. We need MATURE, Active people to join our drama free tribe. We’re Very very well established. We looking for all time zones. Must be willing to join party chat at all times when online. (You can be muted but must be able to hear during playtime). Hit us up on PSN: GKoski22
  10. I am 25yrs old and play alot of ark. Have about 1500 hrs played. i am really good at pvp and know everything about the game. I have a level 103 charcter
  11. fuzzywasacritter just looking for a tribe to be in so I can stop play alone and I like to tame and breed
  12. Pomp2020 age 30 2+hours looking for a tribe that is fun and work together please send me friends request and what server you guys are on if you accept me I’ve been alone for 2 long 😭

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