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Wipe Official Servers



After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

Edited by NoOneBtw
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its funny that people with a low post count want a wipe, and people with a high post count dont want a wipe.

new players will always want a wipe, that will never change, they want to start equal with all the others.

90% of the starters only play this game for a few weeks upto a few months,

and there would be more people that want a wipe because there will always be more starters then established players.

this is why it is extremely hypocritical and mean to ask for a wipe because statistics say that you are not even here anymore after 3 months.

some dinos like tuso mosa and basilo take 1.5 years where they are now, they are op, but they are not even close to max possible. you want to wipe this work.

Edited by BertNoobians
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I don't play PvP so I can't speak for that, but I can say that if the PvE server I am on, and have been for a year, I would most definitely just quit playing. I've been building and trying to improve for the whole time. Too much work to lose.

I can understand the PvP players would want this however, based on the comments here.


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9 hours ago, BertNoobians said:

its funny that people with a low post count want a wipe, and people with a high post count dont want a wipe.

new players will always want a wipe, that will never change, they want to start equal with all the others.

90% of the starters only play this game for a few weeks upto a few months,

and there would be more people that want a wipe because there will always be more starters then established players.

this is why it is extremely hypocritical and mean to ask for a wipe because statistics say that you are not even here anymore after 3 months.

some dinos like tuso mosa and basilo take 1.5 years where they are now, they are op, but they are not even close to max possible. you want to wipe this work.

There not here for more then 3 months because its pointless to play official pvp, the whole point of ark is to grind to the top yet when the servers are 2 year olds its impossible to do that no one wants to play on official it's dead content smalltribes and unofficial is the only reason ark isn't truly dead and most old players only have one of these accounts to submit support tickets 

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On 4/23/2019 at 10:20 PM, NoOneBtw said:

After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

Could you put the PVP as the prefix for the subject headline as we seem to have unanimously agreed that this aubjexlct is about PvP servers

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I'd like to see them continue with some fixes for meshing and other issues. Maybe put out a plan for new TLC and/or new map DLC and then a fresh wipe in a massive update, similar to what we saw at the end of legacy. People don't like to think about losing their stuff, but officials are boring currently. Fresh new Officials would bring a lot of people back, including myself.

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The current official servers are coming up to 2 years old now, about as long as legacy servers had been transferable. From a "MegaTribe" perspective a lot of tribes have lost momentum and are losing players. Basically official is losing its player base. The main problem with an official is that it's very hard to balance dinos in PvP when "MegaTribes" are hatching level 450 dinos with 120+ points sometimes in a single stat and smaller tribes are hatching dinos with maybe 60 if they're lucky. The difference in dinosaur stats is insane and therefore very hard to balance. I would suggest changing the mutation system to, first of all, make it so both parents should be under the mutation cap. Meaning that there is a hard cap on the number of mutations a dinosaur can have therefore taming higher stats will end up with higher stats even after mutations, this will take out the constant grind a tribe has to do to keep their dino stats competitive for one and take out the problem of insanely overpowered dinos. Alternatively, keep the system as it allows constant work for breeders to work on, keeping the breeding side of PvP competitive but if this is the case then official servers and dinosaur inbalance would need to be looked at. Possibly a yearly/bi-yearly wipe? 

Furthermore on the problems with official, Duped items, although not as bad as legacy duping still exists and certain tribes and certain items have been duping/ been duped a lot by everyone. I can't think of any way to fix this problem of being able to dupe, most tribes don't fortunately but as the servers go on and rollbacks happen more and more duped items accumulate in the official community and its already affecting the meta of raiding etc and if let to continue will get out of hand eventually. 


Cave building is yet another problem in ark, with the introduction of cryopods it means that tribes aren't forced into caves anymore but yet they still stay in them. Why ? because caves are completely unraidable, in a PvP game if you can make yourself immune to attacks it makes the PvP stale, boring and unbalanced. I would suggest disabling cave building for some caves and allowing some form of cave raiding mechanic, possibly with a future DLC(Not like climbing picks with abberation) Making the caves unbuildable also allows all tribes on a server to farm blueprints and makes farming blueprints more of a challenge and a bit funner than just spawning on a bed and opening up a box every 45 mins. With this, the drops would need to drop better loot though to compensate. If you, however, wanted to keep cave building, as many people do in the community as it allows tribes to store dinosaurs away in a cave, decreasing server lag at the least. To allow cave building would mean that certain mechanics would need changed, parasaurs for one, they shouldn't be able to detect enemies if not ridden, this allows for lazy base sitters to wait for a magic dino to tell them when they are being raided, Ok for small tribes but for bigger tribes it gives too much of an advantage to an already extremely advantaged defence. Other possble ways that could work would be disabling some areas of a cave to be built in, for example the crouch point of abberation shadow cave. meaning that tribes would need to come up with more creative ways to defend their cave other than placing tek turrets at a crouch point and never looking at it again. Disabling the ability to place tek turrets in caves as well might be a good suggestion or having a cave turret limit. Basically there is many ways to allow caves to be viable in the meta; something just needs changed. 

Turret Limit. Although I sense that the turret limit is something that wildcard is happy with, it restricts a lot of base locations, it would be nice to see it raised just a little bit or maybe have it so you can have 100 of each type of turret in the area instead. 


to conclude wiping official servers I think should be a yearly or bi-yearly thing that wildcard does, it keeps the game fresh and allows new tribes to have their go. fixing the current meta is very hard without a wipe and I think the meta does need to be changed if ark is to keep on running for years to come. 


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34 minutes ago, Shovelhands said:

There not here for more then 3 months because its pointless to play official pvp, the whole point of ark is to grind to the top yet when the servers are 2 year olds its impossible to do that no one wants to play on official it's dead content smalltribes and unofficial is the only reason ark isn't truly dead and most old players only have one of these accounts to submit support tickets 

its the big tribes and wanna bee arkers from other servers that ruin the lives of the beginners in pvp ark. i fly around almost every day and see the horror of blown in little starter bases. this is something our tribe doesnt do , only the scumbag tribes. ths is why a little tribe cant grow to the top. toxic behaviour wont change with a devwipe. its also to easy to offline raid right now. small tribes cant protect themselfs. has nothing to do with dino stats that are to high that need to be reset.

Edited by BertNoobians
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On 4/23/2019 at 4:20 PM, NoOneBtw said:

After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

not pve lol you wipe my last year of work and im out and so are 99% of the player base of pve ? pvp is one thing thats all fighting and combat and all that.  pve is basically mine craft for semi adults.. some of us are adults even xD thats what pve lives for.  caving group bossing breeding colors and stats.  its essentially a never ending progression that people put insane amount of time into.  wipe pve and i guarantee nobody i know who no lifes t is game would ever play again lol

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On 4/25/2019 at 5:47 PM, Swerfy said:

No, there are so many more people that are waiting for a wipe. The game is stale which is why they need to wipe every year. If they did that then there wouldn’t be a problem

The only ones , that want a wipe its the damn kids that always are winning about something , instead of playing the game. I play the game for 3 years and dont have any problem with my evolution and i still have much to work for

. Just because , you are too lazy to work for your stuff and want everything for yesterday , i dont have to be punished by all that posture of yours.

My server is constantly with 20+ people on, and everyday new players start on my server, 1 out of 10 succed and keep playing, cause all the others only know beg and ask for stuff, and we dont support that kind of attitude .

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Official Server Wipe.

From all the people i have talked to Friends/Family and on social Media. A Server Wipe would not JUST benefit players but WildCard and Ark in general. Of Course a wipe being done once a Patch/Fix is implemented into the game to Fix Duping. Why you ask would it be beneficial well yes ark would lose the cheaters but at the same time bring back a BIG percentage of players that quit due to the cheaters. 

So even though i have very good bases and ALOR of tames i am still 100% for server wipe.

Edited by SkillzElite
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So for noobs and lazy people this might be cool... but for someone who has been playing since day 1.... you gmfu! It didnt stay up all those hours to get new stats and mutations for it to be all taken away. The countless hours i put into base designs over all the different maps. You wipe official and most of the ark player base will be leaving the game. It would be suicide for wildcard, most players would expect that from future games from wildcard so wouldnt waste time.  

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On 4/25/2019 at 9:36 AM, BertNoobians said:

its funny that people with a low post count want a wipe, and people with a high post count dont want a wipe.

new players will always want a wipe, that will never change, they want to start equal with all the others.

90% of the starters only play this game for a few weeks upto a few months,

and there would be more people that want a wipe because there will always be more starters then established players.

this is why it is extremely hypocritical and mean to ask for a wipe because statistics say that you are not even here anymore after 3 months.

some dinos like tuso mosa and basilo take 1.5 years where they are now, they are op, but they are not even close to max possible. you want to wipe this work.

this is likely my first post on the forums but ive been playing this game for about 3 years now.  Official servers, ESPECIALLY XBOX servers, need a full wipe.  Xbox has been duping since the start of the new servers, its completely raptored.  how long have you been playing the game because you dont seem like its been since legacy

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From all the people i have talked to Friends/Family and on social Media. A Server Wipe would not JUST benefit players but WildCard and Ark in general. Of Course a wipe being done once a Patch/Fix is implemented into the game to Fix Duping. Why you ask would it be beneficial well yes ark would lose the cheaters but at the same time bring back a BIG percentage of players that quit due to the cheaters. 

So even though i have very good bases and ALOT of tames i am still 100% for server wipe.

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