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Livyatan - sea predator



El livyatan es un mamífero marino emparentado con los cachalotes, uno de los mayores depredadores marinos en el pasado hace millones de años, esta especie era competidora de los megalodones, a los que poco temían. Estos mamíferos serían efectivos combatientes que tienen la capacidad de dar poderosos golpes de cola y mordeduras. adecuado para la caza de tusotheustis y megalodones para el desayuno. Sus  estadísticas

lv1 6500 salud

3500 peso

2400 oxigeno

5800 comida



mordisco un mordisco normal y sencillo, pudiendo hacer 185 puntos de daño, con un hitbox un poco mas grande que su cabeza

golpe de cola

 En caso de tener enemigos detras de ti, tu puede dar un poderoso movimiento de cola vertical y empujarlos, causar hasta 220 puntos de dano.


 puede lanzarse bajo el agua una larga distancia para golpear con la cabeza, aturdiendo al objetivo por 3. 5 segundos y haciendo 195 de daño


 Puede emitir una ecolocalización que detecte todas las criaturas submarinas a cientos de metros de distancia, marcándolas en azul claro.


Su forma de doma es especial y complicada, necesitar estas cosas para ponerlo a dormir primero: Balsa, ballesta y anzuelos Con una nueva interacción puedes atar los anzuelos en la balsa después de dispararle al livyatan, así que con un minimo de 10 anzuelos puedes arrancar el tameo, te subes a la balsa y la conduce, tendras una mecanica como pescar, solo que con la dificultad de un leedtsichys, asi viendo una barra de tameo, la cual subira cuanto mas sigas mantén los anzuelos en el livyathan, una vez que se canse se caerá y debes alimentarlo, sus favoritos son los tentáculos tusotheutis

 extra immencia a sangrado y tinta de tuso


Edited by Nonamy
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I'm requesting a giant Aquatic Creature to be as Powerful as the Mosasaur, with its own special perks, Livyatan was a giant prehistoric Whale, whos modern counterpart is the biggest toothed cetacean living today, the Sperm Whale.

Livyatan hunted other whales, giant cephalopods and megalodon; on the ARKs it developed a special ability to use its echolocation to find its prey with ease, and use its giant tail to stun them with a tail slap, when its prey is distracted the Livyatan will bite on it and deal massive damage with its toothed mouth capable of riping apart a Megalodon in 2.


(Credits to the image from a Steam community post https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=570562747, this dossier was made by the_british_kiwi)?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett

Edited by JurassicNinja
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liviatan melvillei













Eso sí, su aspecto pasivo/agresivo no engancha, pudiendo ver como amenazar las balsas de los supervivientes y destruyéndolos, también puede asustar a depredadores como mosasaurus, plesiosaurus, dunklosteus y megalodones con su canto de guerra.


Siendo además inmune a los ataques de medusas y anguilas, esta criatura puede ser domesticada tanto con los clásicos cañonazos en la cabeza como pasivamente con huevos fecundados de Tusoteuthis o giganotosaurus, esta criatura tendrá una increíble cantidad de vida cuerpo a cuerpo daño y velocidad.967213260_images-2021-09-18T082003_312.jpeg.b5631bef3840deb298aa13b77168bf98.jpeg

Esta criatura tendría una dieta carnívora aunque su comportamiento podría ser neutral o también podría ser atraído mediante el uso de ondas sonoras emitidas por un tambor.Livyatan_melvillei.thumb.jpg.8cda15a3088e06bd33d30c7d8d49c979.jpg1730387836_images-2023-01-15T215635_869.jpeg.5fc47317ac32bce0fe3172d27b404789.jpeg959965279_images-2023-01-15T215605_015.jpeg.74ecebf310cb0fd9a22151382031c410.jpeg


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Aye! The Seas'll run red with blood and yellow with fear when this behemoth draws near!

This Underwater Titanic Towering Terror makes even the Alpha Leedsichthys seem small with it's sheer size alone, the largest creature one could find on any of the Arks save for maybe a Titanosaurus itself.


Ridiculously Massive. Muscles on it's Muscles. Each Tooth the size of a full grown man or larger. Needless to say with it's absolutely monolithic size and immense girth, seeing a creature this astoundingly big even just move is truly inspiring. with it's great size and tremendous power it is nigh uncontested who the true "King of the Sea" really is. And while it may have a very slow and lax approach to movement most of the time, if this behemoth is hungry... well let's just say even the mighty Mosasaur and Leedsichthys are made to look like mere Chew Toys.

Livyatan - ARK Official Community Wiki
Wild: This Beast is quite slow and lumbering at first, simply swimming about rather absentmindedly all throughout the sea. Seemingly aware of it's status as "The Biggest and Baddest thing in any body of water", until either a starving Mosa or Gutsy Tuso provokes it. Then it quickly goes on the offensive. Also like it's more modern relative the "Sperm Whale" it has incredibly versatile and effective Sonar Capabilities, however due to Livyatan's massive size and almost frighteningly somehow higher  intelligence, it appears to have been able to weaponize it's Sonar Capabilities, giving it a highly stunning projectile, to smaller creatures (like say, a survivor looking to tame it) this may deal severe, lethal damage. But to something as big as a Mosasaur it's much more effective as a stun option, allowing Livyatan all the time in the world to swim up to it's newfound prey and bite a massive chunk out of it.

Tamed: Despite it reacting to most land creatures with more curiosity than aggression, Livyatan's ability to kill a Survivor without even needing to touch it means it's safe to say that taming a creature this absolutely massive and powerful is no easy task. However once tamed this becomes an incredibly reliable companion and mobile fortress. It's Saddle being able to be built upon whilst also allowing submersive capabilities. I've seen warring tribes pit Livyatan against each other in an "epic sea battle" for rich underwater resources. Also as a way to easily destroy enemy ocean platforms, Livyatan is able to use a very very short quick burst of speed and use it's massive head as a battering ram. needless to say, if I were a pirate or someone who lived for the open seas, you could do absolutely no better than this Lethal Leviathan.

Species: Livyatan Titanius Monstrum

Time: Miocene to Pliocene

Diet: Carnivore

Temperment: Neutral - Curious

Taming Method

Livyatan seems oddly curious to Survivors instead of it's usual apathetic if not outright aggressive stance towards most other creatures. However using this strange bout of curiousness to their advantage a Survivor could get close enough to feed them their favorite treat: Angler Gel. for whatever reason these things become big ol' softies when fed Angler Gel, almost as if the Gel has some kind of, "Calming Effect" on them when consumed. either way feed them enough Angler Gel and they should conk right out. Though be warned, Once a Livyatan has fallen asleep plenty of other creatures will come around looking to make sure it stays that way. so you'll need to be prepared to defend it while it takes it's nap.


In all seriousness having a creature that's meant to be like an actual massive slow ship that kinda goes at it's own momentum. Instead of just "an underwater rex" like the majority of what's in the ocean feels like. there's no variety in the oceans except for the Tuso because it has unique attacks and abilities and the Megachelon because you can permanently breath and build a base on it's back, but there's not enough space or build limit to make it into a proper "Armored Sub" and not to mention it's attacks are pathetic. having the Livyatan fill the role of  a fusion of a Nuclear Sub and a Gangplank Galleon or something, as well as just naturally having good stats would completely revitalize Ocean Combat and make it much more diverse and fun for a lot of players, and would also double as a way to actively (and fairly) attack players on Ocean Platforms as well.

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"Wild: Livyatan Oceanusrex is the largest and most powerful aquatic animal I've ever seen on the ARK, even slightly beating the leedsichthys in sheer size and power! Because of this, they're the absolute top predator in the ocean, hunting everything from plesiosaurs to mosasaurs to even tusotuthis, which happens to be their favorite food! There's a reason they're called the King of The Ocean! Like any whale, these creatures have echolocation abilities, however livyatans use their extremely loud sounds not only as a way to navigate and communicate, but also as a stunning and deafening area attack, which it primarily uses to stop incomming attacks and creatures attempting to flee, so escaping it won't work either! Domesticated: Although tough to do, it is indeed possible to gain the trust of a livyatan. If you do manage to, then you have one of the strongest mounts possible! Not only is it strong, but it can use its echolocation as both a way to scan the area for nearby hostiles and as a supersonic attack, stunning and weakening creatures nearby. Being the natural predator of the tusotuthis, it's evolved to do especially well against them, killing them easier than almost any other creature."

General description: As mentioned in the dossier, the livyatan is the new strongest water creature in ark, being strong enough to take down anything in its path in a fair 1v1. It's basically the giga of the ocean, having the same spawn rate and stuff, perhaps having a bit lower stats but making up for it with more stamina and its echolocation, which it uses both like a parasaur does and as a sonic blast that stuns, deals damage to and weakens nearby creatures. Being the king of the ocean, it will attack absolutely anything that's not either smaller than a basilosaurus or an alpha named alpha tusotuthis. Yes, they will fight and stand their ground, even sometimes killing wild alpha tusotuthis.

lmb: Bite - A basic bite, its main way to kill.
rmb: Sonic Blast - The livyatan lets out a huge sound blast, stunning any enemy creatures as well as dealing damage and increasing the amount of damage they take for a short while.
c; Sonar - Like the parasaurs.
Turret Mode: The same as the parasaur. You can change it to other tribes/attacking creatures only, and in doing so will also change the manual sonar to do the same.
Passive: Squid hunter - Livyatan deals more damage to tusotuthis and their alpha variant, as well as taking reduced damage from them and being unable to be blinded by their ink.

Taming method: You have to fight it. 2v1, you and your mount of choice vs it. Unless you have like a max level imprinted mosasaur this will not be an easy task. After taking it down to 20% of its health, it will let out a specific sound and do an animation before stopping the attack and becoming passive. Then it enters stage 2. It will fully heal and start hunting other creatures, and you will need to help it kill them (basically like an amargasaurus tame). The bigger the creature the better, and it will only go after creatures it would naturally go after in the wild. Tusotuthis and alpha tusotuthis will give extra points.

Reference image:

All About the Livyatan: The Scary Moby – Gage Beasley

Edited by IskOsc
changed image and added tags
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Taming method should be Moby Richard (you know the great white whales alternative nickname for richard) style, the creature has to eat you!

Could be like a reaper baby where it kills you then consumes your inventory, and you have to have the taming food in your inventory  (could be meat, kibble, squid tentacles,  alpha squid eyes) or alternatively it could swallow you whole and while inside of the creature you can put the previously aforementioned taming items in its inventory,  while fortitude,  health, scuba gear and a lot of med brews decide how long you can exist in its stomach.

Edited by Takedowndnake
Apparently typing the name D-IC-K changes to the word sausage
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Leviathan (Livyatan melvillei) is an extinct 50-foot-long prehistoric whale that weighed about about 25 tons. It preyed upon prehistoric sharks, seals, dolphins and other whales. E566DFAC-092C-4777-A7E3-2D2134FA3020.thumb.jpeg.4b4f43d874d886d8dfa7f2fab60aee15.jpeg    This monster would be a perfect new water mount to rival Mosas, Megs and tusos. D70493E6-AA53-4BD2-A6B6-CB494A14B2C8.thumb.jpeg.a04e7e8c829d3d11d4d432034ebbe432.jpegIt could have a bite attack, ram attack possibly a tail attack. A special sonar (echolocation) ability similar to the snow owls thermal vision. Could do extra damage to Tusos similar to the megatheriums rage ability with bugs. Cannot be grabbed by tusos. Not affected by those pesky electric eels and jellyfish. Can do high pitch screech to scare away any animals around it for 10 seconds. Is about the same speed as a mosa with a better turn radius.A29B0E08-5D9B-4CF3-8063-75C1A01784FE.thumb.webp.bd320293058af7834464b7a5c6c2c415.webpTaming method could be knockout but even the low level ones have insane torpor or can be passively tamed by using tuso eyes but every time you feed it; it will aggro you and everything around you until it becomes hungry again.0AAA0700-3E09-401D-8B31-C33C29870A0D.webp.b4ffadca869562d03c330d083c0a09be.webpCould have a bleed effect or a super bite like the shadowmane and reduced damage from Megalodons.


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Note: I know I scaled this creature up to way beyond its real proportions, but that isn't something that hasn't happend before in ARK for the sake of coolness so I hope nobody minds it too much...


Common name:                               Livyaton
species:                                               Livyaton
time:                                                    Miocene
diet:                                                      carnivore
temperament:                                 extremely territorial

Hidden deep below the ocean surface lies the habitat of what’s perhaps the island’s largest animal: Livyaton Ingens. This ancestor of the modern sperm whale is without a doubt the apex predator of the deep. It considers everything up to a certain hight above the seabed its territory and will attack anything or anyone who dares enter its domain.

Livyaton may very well be the biggest danger to Tusoteuthis since Livyaton is able to trap the giant squid in it jaws and break its shell or munch on its flesh. It isn’t an unfair fight however since Tusoteuthis is still able to grab the snout of Livyaton and wound it.

Livyaton can be heard from miles away as it uses sonar to navigate through dark waters. The problem is, from the moment you hear the sound, you only have a few seconds before the reflected sound reaches Livyaton and it comes for you, giving only a small window of time to get out of the water. Because of this, Livyaton’s sonar sound induces fear in any creature.

Like the Titanosaurus, Livyaton needs to be knock unconscious with heavy explosives. Once tamed, Livyaton has many utilities. It is first of all a powerful mount and can be used in head-to-head combat but can also be taught to build up momentum and can be used as a battering ram.
With its sonar it can detect enemies from a large distance and, as I mentioned earlier, can scare of almost any creature. Ally creatures of the Livyaton can get inspired by the sonar sound and tend to become more immune to damage and use less stamina and oxygen.

Left-click (first attack): standard bite
                   (after grabbing): damage grabbed creature
right-click (second attack): grab attack, any creature is stuck for ten seconds in the Livyaton’s jaws
C (third attack): sonar, detects enemies and pin-points their location, like a Parasaur
X (fourth attack): fear roar, works like Yutyrannus roar, induces fear in target and makes them uncontrollable and take increased damage. Gives allies a buff that decreases the amount of stamina and oxygen being consumed. Becomes more affective the closer the target is to the Livyaton.
Ctrl (fifth attack): courage roar, works like Yutyrannus roar, boosts damage and decreases stamina drain for allied creatures
Alt Gr (sixth attack)(needs to be held down): battering ram, Livyaton builds up speed and inflicts a massive amount of damage on impact, can damage TEK structures.


·         Spawns at sea floor.

·         Will automatically use its fear roar, like a Yutyrannus, and will aggro to a creature once it is affected by the roar.

·         Can damage every tier of structure, including TEK.

·         Needs to be tamed by knocking it out with underwater mines, once unconscious the saddle can be equipped immediately.

·         (optional) To balance the creature out, would suggest it cannot be fed food, like the Titanosaur, but can heal from eating Tusoteuthis.

Edited by Raptoria1300
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I think it would be cool to have the taming method similar to the concavenator from ark additions were you'll have to knock this thing out with those underwater mines. Since no one ever really bothers to learn or use them, this will finally give players a reason to do so. Once you lay down a bunch of them lure the livyatan to you and have it swim into them setting them off. It would take a decent amount of mines to completely knock it out though due to its thick blubber but once done it will require its favorite food, tuso tentacles to tame. It would also be cool if the liyatan had a breeching attack where it jumps completely out of the water only to splash back down and cause a massive tidal wave damaging and knocking back rafts any ocean creature in the vicinity.  

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Leviathan, properly known as Livyatan melvillei was a voracious apex carnivore large enough to devour and take on the oceans largest prey.  With its powerful jaws and sword like teeth its capable of shredding its way through the toughest of hide and can inflict massive hemorrhaging. Upon seeing these massive creatures in the wild all water adventuring tribes have come to fear this monster. On one occasion while at sea studying with the painted sharks, we witnessed a massive white leviathan surface and gain momentum to a fearsome speed and smash through a whaler's vessel. It's said that these monsters of the sea can ram through even the strongest metal fortifications at top speed. The whales that have been washed up on the beach contained vast amounts of indigestible items withing their bellies and with this comes the insatiable quest thats driven some to madness for the great albino whale.


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here is my idea based of the design from ark additions the mod

so it will be similar to the astrocetus but underwater, and its saddle will be basicly the top of a submarine. and instead of manned turret it has homing or normal torpedo(kinda like the rocker launcher ammo where it has homing and non homing.) and instead of the bombing ability it will have cruise missile. by using this ability to either will use it like the cruise missile we have in the game rn( you have to control it yourself) or it you can set a location for it to hit. and player will not drain oxygen when riding it. to balance it out. to use the cruise missiles. every shot will cost tuso tenticle(s). (similar to how magamasaur need metal ingot and astrocetus needs ambergris. ) and it is weak to mosasaurus and is very slow. and then saddle will have a enclosed prebuild room that is water free. kinda like a mixture between a platform saddle and a underwater vacuum compartment. where it will just be a empty room and you can build in it. 


image (3)-min.png

Edited by Rainboy
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Honestly this creature should have been what the leedsicthys is today only more aggressive and way harder to kill. The true Moby sausage. It would also be cool to just wonder into the depths of the ocean and come across an tuso and a livy just duking it out as the ocean gameplay in this game isn't as immersive as the land gameplay is. In the ocean everything is just stagnant with no creatures interacting with each other until a player wonders into the vicinity which at that point every ocean dwelling entity collectively work together to end you. On land however wether you are there or not to witness it you will always get your typical raptor pack running down a parasaur or the occasional rex vs trike match. These ecosystems in the game shouldn't revolve around the player only. 

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The Livyatan would be a perfect underwater fortress much like a titanosaur of the ocean.It will be great if it can be equipped with underwater Guns/sentries/or ballistas.

Plus maybe a map where it's full of water much like an archipelago tpe of map that has scarce resources on land and plenty underwater.This would be great to promote aquatic tames cause their cool af but their not viable because most of boss fights is onland,wish they can add an aquatic boss to spice up the game




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17 hours ago, AnOldEmpanada said:

The Livyatan would be a perfect underwater fortress much like a titanosaur of the ocean.It will be great if it can be equipped with underwater Guns/sentries/or ballistas.

Plus maybe a map where it's full of water much like an archipelago tpe of map that has scarce resources on land and plenty underwater.This would be great to promote aquatic tames cause their cool af but their not viable because most of boss fights is onland,wish they can add an aquatic boss to spice up the game




I feel like the tomahawk missile saddle would help with battles on land. Imagine calling in support on a beach, and suddenly several missiles are fired from the ocean and land where your opponents were (using the RTS control system to aim).

I say were, because I don't think anything would survive a missile strike from several megalodon-eating whales in the ocean.

Edited by ThatWAFFLEGuy49
Misspelled missile three times.
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On 1/15/2023 at 7:12 AM, Rainboy said:

here is my idea based of the design from ark additions the mod

so it will be similar to the astrocetus but underwater, and its saddle will be basicly the top of a submarine. and instead of manned turret it has homing or normal torpedo(kinda like the rocker launcher ammo where it has homing and non homing.) and instead of the bombing ability it will have cruise missile. by using this ability to either will use it like the cruise missile we have in the game rn( you have to control it yourself) or it you can set a location for it to hit. and player will not drain oxygen when riding it. to balance it out. to use the cruise missiles. every shot will cost tuso tenticle(s). (similar to how magamasaur need metal ingot and astrocetus needs ambergris. ) and it is weak to mosasaurus and is very slow. and then saddle will have a enclosed prebuild room that is water free. kinda like a mixture between a platform saddle and a underwater vacuum compartment. where it will just be a empty room and you can build in it. 


image (3)-min.png

I like this idea, is the best on my opinion and i will give it an upvote but i didn't liked the downsides you proposed, because i think it doesn't need them. Rockets are already expensive enought to need to add more downsides to balance him.

 Making him be like astrodelphis and andrewsarchus, but with more or less the same hp and damage as a mosa would be cool. While being able to trow rockets only. The trade-off is that rockets alone are expensive, he is stronger and more resistant than astrodelphis and andrewsarchus but cannot leave water, and compared with mosasaurus he cannot have a base built on his sadle, his saddle would work like the saddle of andrewsarchus. 

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On 1/18/2023 at 10:14 PM, GAZAKINGCAM said:

Leviathan (Livyatan melvillei) is an extinct 50-foot-long prehistoric whale that weighed about about 25 tons. It preyed upon prehistoric sharks, seals, dolphins and other whales. E566DFAC-092C-4777-A7E3-2D2134FA3020.thumb.jpeg.4b4f43d874d886d8dfa7f2fab60aee15.jpeg    This monster would be a perfect new water mount to rival Mosas, Megs and tusos. D70493E6-AA53-4BD2-A6B6-CB494A14B2C8.thumb.jpeg.a04e7e8c829d3d11d4d432034ebbe432.jpegIt could have a bite attack, ram attack possibly a tail attack. A special sonar (echolocation) ability similar to the snow owls thermal vision. Could do extra damage to Tusos similar to the megatheriums rage ability with bugs. Cannot be grabbed by tusos. Not affected by those pesky electric eels and jellyfish. Can do high pitch screech to scare away any animals around it for 10 seconds. Is about the same speed as a mosa with a better turn radius.A29B0E08-5D9B-4CF3-8063-75C1A01784FE.thumb.webp.bd320293058af7834464b7a5c6c2c415.webpTaming method could be knockout but even the low level ones have insane torpor or can be passively tamed by using tuso eyes but every time you feed it; it will aggro you and everything around you until it becomes hungry again.0AAA0700-3E09-401D-8B31-C33C29870A0D.webp.b4ffadca869562d03c330d083c0a09be.webpCould have a bleed effect or a super bite like the shadowmane and reduced damage from Megalodons.


I like your idea and will give an upvote but i have some other things i want to add or remove.
The taming: He can be taming using both methods, but for knockout method, he will eat meat, kibble and tuso eyes (standarth food, but tuso eyes and kibble being equaly more effective than all). And for the passive taming, tuso eyes only! But he will not attack you after you feed him, it will be like if it was basilosaurus but without stingrays on him. Tuso are rare and strong creatures already, gathering their eyes are enought chalenge, no need to balance further.

 He should be aggresive to some exclusive creatures like tuso, megalodons, ictiosaurus and other creatues that looks like creatures he used to attack, but players or other type of creatures he will only attack if they attack him first.

 He should be very rare, but even for a rare creature, he should be found primarily on the deepest parts of the oceans and incredibly more rare, found on the upper part of the ocean. (Mimicking a whale having to gather oxygen, even one that live priparily on the depths, and of course he should not have an oxygen stat! This is just for aesthetic purposes)

Edited by Hermes1111
Improving my suggestion
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