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Anti-Mesh System


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Salut ce message est à but préventif et à vrai dire je ne sais pas comment vous protéger de tous ça. 

Je subit depuis quelque semaine, des bugs intempestifs de meshing. Le jeu me considère comme en train de passer dans la Map. Ce qui est interdit et la solution radicale c'est, la suppression de tous ce qui est " mesh " 

Je n'ai jamais souhaité jouer des bugs d'ark, Je souhaite faire mon aventure dans les normes. 

Mais alors que je me pose sur un paroi du volcan avec mon argentavis, celui-ci disparaît subitement après quelque seconde d'afk. Le journal m'indique anti meshing system detroy argentavis ( preuve vidéo pour les curieux ) 

Mais alors que je build et que j'afk quelque seconde paf le jeu me tue supprime mon inventaire sans aucun message de mort. Journal anti meshing.
(Tjr des preuves vidéo ) 

Et j'ai plusieurs bugs comme ça ou le jeu me considère comme en train de me faire passer à travers la Map. 

Hier soir c'est un ban de 6jours lol, après avoir envoyé un ticket a wildcard il ne sont pas en mesure de me répondre, car le ban viens de Battle Eyes. Ticket envoyé se matin en attente de réponse. 

Ce que je peux en conclure c'est de ne pas afk sous peine d'être considéré comme un tricheur et de ce faire supprimer ces inventaires, dino, ou même ban ! N'afk pas !

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I was on the side of the volcano taming an new Argy and when I tried to jump on my own Argy I got stuck in the side of the Volcano. Then my screen went black and I was forced to respawn at my home base, naked without gear or anything in pocket. When I went back up to the Volcano as fast as I could fly on a Ptera, my home base is at bottom, nothing was to be found. No body, no bag, nothing. I lost 3 Tames including an 88 Rex, 179 Bary, and 179 Daeodon, and a baby 105 Allo that were all in Cryo Pods in my Pocket as I was taking them home shortly. I got the new Argy, level 20 with nice colors. But lost everything to get it, and I had purple, blue, gold gear too :(  Is there any way to recover my items or am I just screwed? Please help.  Feral Omen- Turok- HALO Tribe on Official PvE NA Sever 5337. I also made sure to record/Capture on my Xbox Console for records if needed.

Edited by FeralOmen
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  • Joebl0w13 changed the title to Anti-Mesh System
19 hours ago, FeralOmen said:

I was on the side of the volcano taming an new Argy and when I tried to jump on my own Argy I got stuck in the side of the Volcano. Then my screen went black and I was forced to respawn at my home base, naked without gear or anything in pocket. When I went back up to the Volcano as fast as I could fly on a Ptera, my home base is at bottom, nothing was to be found. No body, no bag, nothing. I lost 3 Tames including an 88 Rex, 179 Bary, and 179 Daeodon, and a baby 105 Allo that were all in Cryo Pods in my Pocket as I was taking them home shortly. I got the new Argy, level 20 with nice colors. But lost everything to get it, and I had purple, blue, gold gear too :(  Is there any way to recover my items or am I just screwed? Please help.  Feral Omen- Turok- HALO Tribe on Official PvE NA Sever 5337. I also made sure to record/Capture on my Xbox Console for records if needed.

Captured on ur console😂 yeah sure so wildcard can what look up ur profile and then watch ur captures? 😂

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The Game usually kills me Anti-mesh, loosing all my stuff and Im nota doing Fking mesh!!! Just they think you doing some wrong things and just kill you with no reason.

Now taming a Gig, at 36.9/40, the Game kills me X=78598.606 Y=-103225.413 Z=13292.611

Just in the gig inventory the Game kills me, and now if the Game Ban me? DILO I can do??

poopty Bugs bro

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