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Community Crunch 380: Community Creature Winner, LiveOps Update, and More!


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1 minute ago, xackbelle said:

Not everyone loves the spider. Spider was at the bottom of my list 100%. Personally I'd prefer no other creature get the carchar treatment. Let the winner speak for itself, no runner up.

To be fair, Maevia did get to third once and second twice in these past votes, but your opinion is your own. Doesn't mean you should squander everyone else's hopes for it to be included. If you think Gorgonops should have been included instead, I would've been for that too. But everyone has their favorites, it's best to respect them.

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It's funny to me seeing the spider lose and yet people still demand it get added to the game. It lost. Accept it. Move on. Suggest a new spider with a better concept and maybe it'll win for once. You don't hear this much begging from fans of gorgonops and yet that dino also makes it into the top 10 votes regularly. We get it, you like spiders. Pay someone to make a mod of one if you're determined to have it in the game.

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6 minutes ago, Jmc1975 said:

With only 1 week until you shut down official servers and still NO information as to when ASA is being released or any information as to if and when we can pre order it or if your only going to release it on PC and not console seeing that your currupted owner snail games were given a time line if releasing it on PC only by end of October by nitrado....🤬🤬🤬

We actually have been told that there will not be any pre-orders for ASA, and that it will be released in late October. As for releasing the game on PC and console, I think that after all the hype for console mods and other additions to console ark, if they only released it on PC a lot of fans would be angry. At max they might just releasing it on PC a week or so before console.

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1 minute ago, xackbelle said:

It's funny to me seeing the spider lose and yet people still demand it get added to the game. It lost. Accept it. Move on. Suggest a new spider with a better concept and maybe it'll win for once. You don't hear this much begging from fans of gorgonops and yet that dino also makes it into the top 10 votes regularly. We get it, you like spiders. Pay someone to make a mod of one if you're determined to have it in the game.

Gorgon didn't come second twice dude all the times it's been in the top 10 it's come like 6th or 7th stop being a complete douche towards people because they want a creature they like in the game it's fine to not like something but it's another thing entirely to be a douche to them because they want it 

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1 minute ago, ChrisBManos said:

I'll have to admit, while it's nice seeing Dreadnoughtus being added, The Maevia should still be added to Ark even after it got the "doesn't fit in this map" treatment during voting.


Sovira, If your reading this, I'll happy make a Maevia submission for Valguero if you don't mind.

just pick a different spider at this point, there are literal millions of species you can pick

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1 minute ago, TyranntX said:

Well, its not the one I would have liked to win but at least a herbivore FINALLY won the vote, now can we PLEASE ban carnivores from all future votes?

I actually have a better idea for you friend: what if we had THEMED votes? Like carnivore-only, herbivore-only, shoulder-pets-only, etc. Or Creepy Crawlies for Halloween to give snakes, spiders and others love! Thoughts?

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2 minutes ago, xackbelle said:

Nah we arent a minority, because if we were a minority then the spider wouldve won by now ;) 

Nah, definitely a minority, since it was 2nd, 3rd and 2nd, if you weren't it would've been last ;). I still think you should have your opinion, but barring extra content with no loss for you is kinda weird.

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1 minute ago, Dpooly69 said:

Gorgon didn't come second twice dude all the times it's been in the top 10 it's come like 6th or 7th stop being a complete douche towards people because they want a creature they like in the game it's fine to not like something but it's another thing entirely to be a douche to them because they want it 

In gorgon's defense, it was originally planned for ark but was scrapped. As for the spider, well, I understand that people want it, but if it was truly the majority, it would have won by now. No disrespect intended, I'm simply playing devil's advocate. Lastly, I'm frankly tired of seeing the spider in every vote, it takes up a slot that could be used for something new imo

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Personally, I am not against any of the dinos voted to be in ark, but I do wish that something other than the dreadnoughtus had won, simply because I feel like whilst it is far from useless, it doesn't seem like it would be the best for solo ark and maybe even PvP at certain points, considering the tame looks like it would be very late game, tricky to tame, and might only serve really as a way to beat the king titan and move a bit more safely in the wastelands. Personally I would have preferred something like the gorgonops or darwinopteris which still has that corrupted attack buff, but other utilities that could make it a better tame for solo and PvP gaming, and maybe a bit more easily accessible.

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8 minutes ago, ChrisBManos said:

I'll have to admit, while it's nice seeing Dreadnoughtus being added, The Maevia should still be added to Ark even after it got the "doesn't fit in this map" treatment during voting.


Sovira, If your reading this, I'll happy make a Maevia submission for Valguero if you don't mind.

I don’t think the Jumpers coming back, they said this would be the final time. Same with the Gorgonops, which hurts for me as it was a creature I always wanted to be in Ark and was a perfect design and concept for Extinction, I am sad the Jumper didn’t make this time either, it seemed well designed for Extinction. But I am glad we got a cool creature for extinction!!! Not gonna lie though, I did have the Dread at the rock bottom of my list due to the fact of its size and that Extinction isn’t a sauropod friendly map. But I am glad it got in.

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30 minutes ago, GatorGamer869 said:

We actually have been told that there will not be any pre-orders for ASA, and that it will be released in late October. As for releasing the game on PC and console, I think that after all the hype for console mods and other additions to console ark, if they only released it on PC a lot of fans would be angry. At max they might just releasing it on PC a week or so before console.

“Late October “ doesn’t say much when some people want to take some days off from work. Other games are announced a year before release 

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