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What are good pretame stats for theri


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Post tame not protame. Also it's irrelevant what the stats are prior to taming because there's no way of knowing what you will get after with the randomness of the stats distribution. Granted if say u have high melee and it gets lots of points into melee then ur golden but it could have 50 points in melee before it's tamed and only get 5 points awarded so it's really potluck with the stats post tame. U just have to tame all higher levels and hope u get a good role of the dice. 

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On 1/17/2024 at 11:51 AM, ForFelix2 said:

Hi I want to know what are ok or good hp and melee stats for theris are (pretame and protame) thank you

I think Iv had a female with 4k health and a another female with three hundred something melee.....was a pain to breed em out with a crap male, but the result was a solid base breeding pair.

Edited by wizard03
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11 hours ago, Hurebhsdyrgsg said:

U just have to tame all higher levels and hope u get a good role of the dice.

Especially if you pre prep with a bork load of kibble making. Like once you ko a higher lvl Theri you've already done most of the work, why not just tame it and see? If you on the other hand still have limited kibble, or god forbid are using mejo berries and on lower rates and btw theriz have really bad torpor drop...

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