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Help me, I can't see the list of bugs

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To see the latest bugs in the game, I used the page https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/bugs/ (yes, the same one that moderators often recommend!)

I tried to set up filters and added the "Remember" (checkbox) option. After which I constantly get an error that cannot be fixed by myself. I suspect that the problem is that “remembering” the selected parameters is buggy, since this checkbox can no longer be disabled, it always appears enabled.

And now I have no way to somehow report problems in the game.

I frankly don’t understand why I paid $80 for two accounts if the game doesn’t work adequately, and the opportunity to get help is simply completely closed!

Screenshot Capture - 2024-01-07 - 23-04-35.png

Edited by sk1ff
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