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Separate PVE from PVP



In pve one tribe is allowed to place a cryo fridge above the cave entrance to be allowed to squeeze chitin gathering dinos in cave, unable to do the same my tribe is unable to progress at the same pace. We tried to ally but alot of people are using allies to war and rob for real-estate and tames....is there any way you can keep pvp and pve rules seperate like the cryo sickness timers. I feel as if I'm being punished by the devs for enjoying the game. I do not enjoy pvp after a long day and got the kids to bed logging in to see I was wiped losing weeks worth of progress in a game that takes days to hatch eggs and weeks to raise. We do not have time like these kids who have 0 responsibility in life and able to play the game every day. Please rework cryopods to be like they were in ASE for pve players like myself. It will save the community from being forced to deal with kids ruling the servers demanding you to beg them 😒. This is the game changer for alot of people I know feel the same way...if people are on pvp they know the risks of losing everything they worked for. Let these kids have this horrible leash on a cryofridge. Let's us peaceful players have the old cryo rules to keep this level of toxicity down for pve is servers are being ruined by children who want a taste of power before bed time. 

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