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Community Crunch 385: Console and LiveOps Update, Extra Life Update, and More!


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Trash, how much is Xbox lining those pockets. Should have just waited and released both at the same time. PS is getting crapped on just like snail is doing and has done to all the die hard fans of ark. If your company would have done an open beta with direct feed back it would have fixed so many of your issues. (Free game testers anyone) I’m done.

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It's been more than 9 months since you announced the closure of the official ASE servers. And you're not even supposed to keep your commitments, it's always the other parties' fault, never yours. You wanted to privatize this game at Microsoft?  It's done, always claiming problems with Sony. You don't care about the Playstation community, we already knew that but here we have confirmation. You are pitiful

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why can ps5 at least not get to buy and dl game and play in single player?


why could xbox not be delyaed so as to at least keep promise to launch both same time?


we got pals on xbox still gonna have to wait for us on ps5


The way your crunch reads, crossplay servers will already be pillared to heck by the time ps5 gets released, so nowhere to build and a month behind..


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Xbox gets ark 2 first and now Asa SMH wildcard stop selling who gets what first be the change the game world needs PLEASE! just punishing the people who support you left and right for years we didn't spend 5 years building and keeping crap rendered for you to wipe it and then not give us the game to rebuild, every server definitely gonna be pillard and blocked WE DESERVE A DISCOUNT!

Edited by Terminate313
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YOU SHOULDN'T have launched pc if console wasn’t finished or ready. This is absolutely 100% BS!!! And us Console players do not want to play with pc we want cross play with PlayStation that’s it. PC is filled with way more cheaters then we wanna deal with honestly. And your gonna allow cross play with pc Day one are you sick in the fkin head? You gave them a month to play the game develop hacks and cheats that they can use in ASA and ur gonna allow them to play with console day one what a joke dude!!! I’m beyond livid. And I’m an Xbox player also saying this isn’t fair to PlayStation what so ever. they should be launching on the 14th also. It’s not fair for them to be starting late on servers where everyone else has already started on. boosted rates does not justify this at all and what you wanna bring up PlayStation exclusive servers like ur doing with Xbox.? We want cross play but your not giving anyone the option to play together because NO ONE WANTS TO START ON SERVERS THAT ARE ALREADY BEEN PLAYED ON!!! all the good spots will be taken And lord forbid you wanna play PVE with ur cross play friends because everything is gonna be pillared. Your ruining ur game more then you even care to realize. Your mindset is either we will deal with it or run to ur little partners Nitrado to rent servers that we don’t care for. You really enjoy screwing over your players don’t you. 

Edited by Shadowarlord
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Wildcard is giving a step by step tutorial on how to lose a 1/3 of their customers/player base.. Not that they need any money though.. they’re so rich they could care less if a single copy sold they’re honestly just making the games out the goodness of their hearts.. more studios should be like wildcard the world would be a better place..

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